Donate Today

Your support of CraftStudies sparks creativity and connection for our community! 

Thanks to the contributions of generous supporters like you, we are able to expand access to hands-on learning for all, deepen our involvement and impact through community partnerships, and provide the most welcoming and safe environment for creativity to thrive! 

CraftStudies 2022-2023 Impact Report: Crafting Our Future


Ways to Support CraftStudies

  • Promise Fund

    Your tax-deductible annual donation ensures that we are able to expand access to hands-on learning for all, deepen our involvement and impact through community partnerships, and provide the most welcoming and safe environment for creativity to thrive! 

  • Possibility Partner

    Are you a local business or community leader interested in expanding your reach and impact in the community? Possibility Partners help CraftStudies through matching, sponsorship, or in-kind donations. In return, Possibility Partners receive special recognition, adversing opportunities, and event tickets.

  • Volunteer

    Share your time & talents. Join our team of volunteers who keep our studios running, keep our students engaged, and truly spark and sustain the spirit of community by which CraftStudies has come to be known!

  • Material Donations

    CraftStudies partners with rePlay Arts, our local creative reuse organization, to collect donations of gently used craft materials, tools and equipment. Please click the link beow to learn more about rePlay Arts and to make a material donation.

Give to the Susan M. Gallagher Scholarship Endowment

CraftStudies believes that all members of our community should have access to the tools, materials, and process of craft, but most importantly, that everyone should be surrounded by a community that supports hands-on creative learning. The Susan M. Gallagher Scholarship Endowment has been created to ensure this essential support for years to come.  

CraftStudies is deeply grateful for the support of the following organizations and corporations.